LGBTQ Youth Life Coaching

How to help heal rejection from family/friends and/or society in 5-Steps

LGBTQ Youth Coach Blog

I am sure we will never forget 2020, the year everybody’s world changed. It offered the opportunity to slow down, and reflect and heal. We can breakdown our life into different segments using a visual diagram called the Wheel of Life. Slicing the diagram into eight pieces, like a pie, we can give each slice a name. For example: (Career, Health, Wealth, Family/Friends, Love, Contribution, Personal Growth & Connection).

What has been consistently showing up for me in 2021 and presently is the awareness it is time to address and navigate several challenging relationships in my life. Below is the actual process which was expressed through me after processing my feelings around issues I was experiencing. I found this process to be therapeutic and healing.

Step 1. Forgiveness

Forgive them
1. Forgive them.
2. Pray for them or genuinely wish them nothing but the best.
3. Love them and/or accept them unconditionally.

Forgive yourself
1. You can forgive yourself for being angry with them and holding on to pain.
2. You can release the anger to free yourself and reclaim your power.

Step 2: Pray for them

You can pray for them and wish them nothing but the best. Send good vibes.

Step 3: Love them unconditionally

Instead of placing expectations and conditions on people, it’s more powerful to just accept them as they are and where they are. Deep within isn’t that what we all want? To be accepted you for who you are.

Step 4. Energy Protection

You can choose not take on their energy. You can protect yourself by creating boundaries and limit engagement.

Step 5: Don’t take it personal

This is probably the most important yet most challenging step of all. Don’t take it personal.